We had an amazing Thanksgiving week! We are so thankful for Greg's job that allows us to travel a full week and see both sides of our family. This was Oaks longest trip yet... and first trip to Oklahoma- and he did amazing! He slept pretty much the whole way, with a stop in Gainesville to feed.
Oak, you met so many people for the first time in Oklahoma...AND they LOVED you. Here is a pic with your PaPa and Mimi. They couldn't get enough of you. PaPa is so proud to have you to carry on the Hopkins name and sweet Mimi probably gave you a million and one kisses.
PaPa and Mimi |
It was also you first time in Norman and at The University of Oklahoma. We showed you campus, walked around Campus Corner, and met Blake at Tea Cafe.
Your first time on campus at OU |
awesome tree on campus |
You also got to meet your Nanet. She came to have Thanksgiving with us at Annie and Pops house. She loved holding you, as long as you didn't cry. :)
Nanet |
We had fun at Annie and Pops house with all your cousins, aunts and uncles, and of course Annie and Pops. Annie fixed up a masterpiece dinner, we took pictures, and watched some football. It was a lot of fun! We got baby pictures of your dad out and you sure do look like him! I'll have to put some up here later! It was fun looking at them and comparing the two of yall.
watching football, A LOT of football
When our time in Oklahoma was up, we headed to Martins Mill. We went to Mamas house on Thursday to have Thanksgiving with Grandmas side.
Caroline, Oak, Jake, Lucas and Sam |
Every year after lunch and some football, we all decorate Mamas house for Christmas.
Here is the group after lots of decorating!
Pop Pop and Guh are very special people to us. Guh came to meet you while we were at Mamas house...I cant wait for you to meet Pop.
Mama and Guh |
On Saturday we headed to Memas. We spent the afternoon with the Brawner family before heading back home to watch OU play. We had a fun day!
Oak and Caro eating! |
We had an amazing time in Martins Mill with Grandma and Grandpa, Amy, David, and Caroline. We definitely missed Uncle Bill and cant wait to see him in a couple weeks for Christmas. Caroline loves to grab for you... especially your eyes. :) You became a lot more alert this week. You are holding your head up more and more. You are smiling and laughing! You love to lay on your back and smile and coo...your dad is really good at getting you to laugh...you sure do like him! You slept six hours one night! We (I) am hoping for more and more nights like that! We love you Oak, we had so much fun introducing you to family and friends! What a great Thanksgiving week! We are so Thankful for your life and that you are ours!!!
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