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Happy Birthday Oak! |
Today you are ONE MONTH OLD! It is crazy how your birthday feels like 1,000 years ago, but at the same time I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the fact that you are HERE and that you are OURS.
Monkey Man, WE LOVE YOU! We are so proud of you. Here are a few things we have learned about you this past month:
-you LOVE to sleep...your favorite time to sleep is when you should be nursing :) but you are getting better...in the beginning, we would have to do everything to keep you awake to eat... completely undress you(which is now just a norm), rub a cold rag on you, rub ice on your feet, dance like crazy(with grandma), and anything else we could think of at the time
-you love your warm baths, and have been known to sleep through a couple
-our favorite face you make is when you crinkle your forehead and raise your eyebrows, its hilarious
-you do great in the car
-you love to cuddle
-you really like to be up on our shoulder so you can look around
-you are SO alert and love to look at things... especially black and white things and lights
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-you weighed a whopping 11 lbs. 2oz. at your 2 week checkup...im gonna guess you have gained a couple since then :)
-you sometimes like the pacifier, but really dont know what to think about it
-you should have always worn a size 1 diaper, but I was determined to use EVERY SINGLE newborn diaper, therefore we cleaned up a lot of messes the first week or two
-you are one CONTENT baby
-most people say you look like your dad, but there is some resemblance in my newborn pics
-you have BIG hands and BIG feet...AND YOU LOVE YOUR HANDS
-you are holding your head up like crazy
-you went to your first church service(and looked so handsome)you did great! during the sermon you were asleep and just wanted to yell out a bit, then when back to sleep:)
-you kicked Norman for the first time last night...he got a little frustrated, but we are working on it...yall are going to be best buds
-you caught your first fish with your dad
-you have now been to grandma and grandpas twice, and this week we went to dallas to shop (in your AWESOME stroller at NORTHPARK!)
-tomorrow we will be making your longest trip yet, to Oklahoma for Thanksgiving, then back to Martins Mill
-you have had many visitors-Grandma and Grandpa dont stay gone long...we see them quite a bit, and i am so thankful-Annie and Pops came for a long weekend, we loved having them here
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-you pretty much have grown out of your newborn clothes...YOU ARE ONE BIG BOY!
-OH! I FOUND A FRECKLE! you have a freckle on your lower back by your hip!
We are so excited about the upcoming holidays. What perfect timing for everyone to meet you! I am anxious to see how we are going to fit everything in the car...but we will make it work...your dad is a pretty precise packer:)
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4 weeks |
I love you Oak Jackson! What a fun first month!
...they will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting for the display of His splendor...Isaiah 61:3
oh, WE LOVE YOU, Oak Hopkins! We are so excited for the precious child you are...we can't wait to see all month #2 holds!!