you are all things opposite of your brother, in that, you are messy, fearless, defiant, stubborn, strong willed…
Many times, when i am in your face getting on to you about something, you will lean in and give me a kiss. Sometimes, sometimes, i can keep it together. But most of the time, i can't help but laugh. You are such the Eddie Haskel.
still in size 5 diapers. most definitely need to be in size 6. but come on, you get like 40 less diapers in a box! i think the 5's work great.
you wear up to a 3T in some things. soon, you will be sharing clothes with oak.
almost 25 lbs. 98%tile. (90 in weight, 50 in height)
7 teeth. (four on top 3 on bottom)
you love to blow. this started with us practicing singing happy birthday to you a few months ago. its automatic, when that song is blow. like a chimpanzee, big ole lips pucker together, and you create the cutest face the world has ever seen. quite talented lips, ill say.
you also love to blow whistles, harmonicas, recorders, into straws, and party horns.
you growl. a lot. we kinda think this is your preferred language. growling.
we swear you said "hi daddy" in the bath the other night. you've said "ohhhhh, hiiii, byeee byeee, maaaa maaaa." but really, i think you are content with growling.
you are obsessed with electrical cords, outlets, plugs, chargers, buttons, night lights... basically, anything that lights up, has a button-type thing on it, or is like it. you make a b-line to these objects. and you receive many spankings because of them.
we FaceTime with grandma and pa a lot. and you want to hold the phone. and when you do, you take off. you love taking grandma on walks/runs. y'all run all over this house. and you are as proud as punch. we usually wait until we are done talking for you to take grandma on a run because you usually hang up on her. but boy, do you love your grandma runs. you beam like we've given you gold.
you love to climb. on everything. chairs, stools, the fireplace hearth, the couch, the table, your highchair. you are quite the adventurer.
you eat meat. and beans. mainly, you eat protein. but not eggs, which is weird.
you like apples, but not cut up. you want the whole apple. all by yourself.
we made huge strides with avocado this week. and salsa. (good boy.) you are liking pouches more, which makes me feel 1,000 times better for the lack of veggies and fruits you eat.
you love spaghetti. and taco soup.
the red spot on your face (in the pic above) is doing a lot better. you have had it since you were around 6 months. we think it was a little pimple that got infected and eventually worked itself out and healed. you now just have a scar that is getting smaller and smaller.
you have THICK feet. yes, your feet are wide...but the issue we have, and why you only have 2 pairs of shoes that actually fit, is your feet are THICK. this would be a direct gene you received from your pa. crocs are looking more and more appealing in your very near future.
We love you mighty man. We are so excited and so blessed to watch you grow and journey with you. May you know the love of your Father and your need for Him 1,000 times more than your mom and dad. Let mercy lead. I love you, mom.
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