I feel like there are several things I have thought "I need to write that down, so i don't forget..."
Your precious and very serious "oooohhhhhhhh," when you see a truck, plane, or car. You point with that special pointer finger of yours and say "ohhhhhh." its my favorite. cracks me up every time.
You love to push anything you can push. The wagon. The stroller. The laundry basket.
Your sweet sweet tender heart. So quick to break. And you love when you are praised. Ohhhhh man, my little sensitive boy...it boggles me...how did you learn this? you were just made like this?
you are repeating a ton. your newest thing is if i start to count, "one...", then you say, "two...." and I say "three." PRETTY DARN CUTE.
you can repeat most things...well, except grandma. We go through the entire family and you repeat everyone...but grandma. I don't know why, maybe best for last?! :)
So, what are you saying thats new?
(all in your own way...) bath, norman, choo-choo, bike, boot, shoe. push. water. milk. cookie.
Pa's Truck. YOUR FIRST SENTENCE. Over Christmas, while at Grandma and Pa's, you just said it...and you havent stopped. Everyday, all you wanted to do was go "ouside" where "pa truc" is.
Since then, every truck has become "pa's truck." And anytime we talk about Pa, "pa truc" is soon to follow. :) And Pa is eatin' all of it up!!!
Shoes. You LOVE shoes. You got several shoes for Christmas and you wanted to try them all on. Several times a day you will bring me shoes that you want to put on. Today you found some cool shoes in dads closet, but got frustrated when you couldn't walk in them. Some day...
You love taking a bath. (Well we call it a bath...more like a shower.) Some evenings you will come to me and pull at your shirt, wanting me to undress you for a bath. So cute.
You are SUCH an observer. You taught yourself "down, set, hut." Seriously, we have never shown you how to put the ball on the ground between your legs and stand up and throw it. So starts the guessing games of "where did you learn that?"
ACTUALLY! The following two pictures show a BIG clue...
Sweet Naters LOVES football.
We have all been very congested the past couple weeks (you had RSV :( ) and a lot of nose blowing has been going on. Out of no where the other day you picked up a kleenex, put it to your nose and made a blowing sound. Amazed. My kid knows how to blow his nose. I'm in awe.
I love you, boy.
i love you, too! oak jack you are so precious. i miss you SO much. laura - sweet post. i check every day ;)