Wednesday, May 18, 2011

7 months

So 6 months was like whooah we are leaving itty bitty baby land and entering big boy territory.
7 months?
7 months is like we are IN big boy territory.  Officially.

This month has been full of changes!!!  YOU are becoming a little boy!  You are playing and enjoying toys more and more!, eating!, moving!, responding more!, 2 teeth!!!, making noises!...and the list goes on and on!  We have had a fun month-full of traveling and many firsts...I love learning every day more about who you are and who you are becoming.  I am so proud of you.

You have the sweetest little personality.  SUCH A TENDER HEART.  You still don't like loud surprising noises or screaming-you have the BEST most HEARTBREAKING cry.  Your mouth opens REAL wide and your nostrils turn into perfect circles.  This could be the saddest yet cutest thing ever.

You started fruits and veggies and have loved them all!!!  It is amazing at how you chunked up as soon as we started foods!
so far you have eaten:
-green beans
-sweet potato

You love to walk while we hold your hands.

All of the sudden your hands are doing new things!!!
-You have started "praying."  You clasp your hands together (like you are praying) and move your arms up and down.
-You have also started hitting yourself.  You woke me up one morning by hitting yourself in the head.
-You clap your hands!
-You "pat." (MY so precious...especially when you are nursing)

You have cut 2 teeth!  About a week after you turned 6 months, we began seeing your bottom left tooth in the center.  The right center caught up pretty quick and you now have both bottom teeth sticking out! Sooo cute!   Along with these cute teeth have come the occasional bite while nursing, followed by the saddest cry when told "NO SIR" with a (small) thump.  Ooooo I don't look forward to the discipline road!

I think we were almost convinced you weren't going to be a crawler and would eventually just walk one day.  WELL...i think we were wrong.  You are definitely showing more signs of crawling.  You are scooting around and even doing a small "inch-worm."  I am amazed at the new things you do every day.  How do you learn this stuff?!

You have started saying your M's.  Ma ma ma ma ma!!!!  I can't wait until you give me that name!

You "blow raspberries" like crazy!

Still size 3 diapers.
While we were in Tulsa you were big time constipated.  We tried/did all the tricks.  FINALLY, after almost a week, you pooped!  So thankful.

You LOVE to watch cars go by.  LOVE IT.

I discovered you DO NOT have a birth mark in your belly button.
Explanation? Please?
Okay, from day one I have thought (along with others!)  that you had a birth mark in your belly button.  Your belly button has always been "darker."  So for SEVEN MONTHS, you have had a birth mark.
OH MY GOODNESS IT IS NOT A BIRTH MARK!   just some dirt and dried blood from going through the birth process, seven months ago, its really not a big deal. really.
good news though.  Your belly button is now the cleanest in the land.

I love you Oak Jackson.  You are my most favorite 7 month old in the entire world.

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