Wednesday, September 19, 2012

baby boy no. 2

I have a whole summer, plus some, to catch up on....but i figured it was important to make note of the growing baby in my tummy, first.  :)
In January, we felt like it was time to start trying for baby no. 2, and in April the pregnancy test was positive!  When Greg came home from work, I asked him to take a picture of Oak and I, siting in the kitchen.  He acted like that was a completely normal request (which it is not), and took this incredibly awkward picture.  He didn't notice the writing behind Oak and I until after the picture, when I looked at him like he was missing something.  
We were ecstatic! 

We told Oak about the baby and took the following pictures, which I love.  His little 18 month self was acting like he completely understood everything.

We were already planning to go to Oklahoma for Beau and Carolines birthdays in a couple weeks, so holding off to tell both families in person would work perfectly.
Here we are telling the two families. Greg acted like the timer wasn't working, causing him to have to take the group picture.  He said, "okay, on the count of three say, Laura's pregnant!"
And here are the reactions:

Jumping ahead 3 months, in July, we found out the gender of the baby in Norman.  The pregnancy clinic I worked at in college, Care-Net, which is now called the Eden Clinic, graciously did my sonogram for free.  Mom, Dad, Amy and Caro joined the Hopkins group in Norman for a fun reveal party.  The cake(s) was an incredible disaster...(someday I will officially learn the lesson to just pay for things to be done right, instead of trying to go the cheaper, do it myself, route.) but nonetheless, did the job and tasted pretty good.




 On Greg and I's date weekend in OKC, at the Skirvin Hotel. 16 weeks, a couple days before we found out the gender.

 Sweet baby boy no. 2...cutest profile ever.

 Christine and I, 20 weeks and 12 weeks.

We couldnt be more excited about another sweet baby boy.  brothers!  we can't wait to meet this little man. december will be here soon!