Saturday, March 19, 2011


an incredible sunday afternoon.


< watch this, oak! >

< wait, how do you do that?! >

Friday, March 18, 2011



Your 5 month pictures were taken at pm.  whoops! (These are your first "month pictures" where you can sit up all by yourself!)  We have had a busy day and I forgot until VERY late!  But you were a trooper!  We came home from Martins Mill this morning with Grandma because we had a Thirty-One Party yesterday at Raquisha's house.  Grandma came home with us so she could watch you while I went to sewing class.  Yall had lots of fun! (especially grandma!...she likes you just a little bit :) )  
When I got home, we picked up Daddy from school, got some frozen yogurt (sooo yummy) and went to Old Navy.  Grandma got you some shorts (shocker) and her a scarf (shocker).  I returned a skirt (shocker).  We went home and you took a nap and we laid outside in the has been a beautiful day!  Alissa came over and we got chips and salsa at Chuy's, coffee at Common Grounds, and then went to Cameron Park for a pre-dinner "snack," while waiting for Pa to get here.  Daddy went to a birthday get together with some buddies.  We ate with Pa, came home, took some pictures, and you crashed.  Before you crashed, you played HARD, including some scooting!!!  Or maybe a pre-scoot?  You are pushing your bottom up and pulling forward on your mat!  So cute!  But I'm not ready for you to crawl! 

You are such a happy boy!  I love to watch you laugh.

Here are some stats on you these days:
-you are sitting up!!!  you sat up for the first time in tulsa.  I still wouldnt leave you by yourself (at least not without the boppy around you) but you are doing an awesome job!

-not rolling over much...maybe not at all this month!? that stuff is old school...moving on... :) ha!

-size 3 diapers

-6 months + on bet would be 12 months

-sweetest smile in the whole wide world...i wouldnt be surprised if some teeth popped out on the bottom pretty are chewing on EVERYTHING and love for me to rub your gums

-you swung for the first time

-you've been pretty snotty the past couple weeks...and you are SICK of the booger plunger...but I am determined you will not have boogers in your nose and will have to admit retrieving those guys gives me such a feeling of accomplishment. beat em at their own game. :)

-daddy had spring break...we did a lot of picnics and we went to the zoo! your first time!  too bad you didnt notice the orangoutang RIGHT in front of you...maybe a couple more months?!

-we had your church dedication

Our nights are always different.  The past couple nights you have basically eaten all night long, whenever you want.  I'm hoping this isn't a new phase!     

Oh my goodness, this gets more and more fun each day.  YOU are incredible.  I love being your mom.  I love watching you.  I LOVE your wonder.  I wish i could know what you are thinking.  
You love to watch Norman run around.  You think he is pretty funny. He still doesnt know about you. :)

I love you Oak Jackson.  YOU bring us so much joy.  

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."  Matthew 5:8

Friday, March 11, 2011

happy birthday uncle bill

Your Uncle Bill is one of the greatest men you will know. 
 He is solid.  He is a seeker of the Lord.  He is hilarious.  


And I love him to death.

I can't wait for yall to make some crazy fun memories together.  It's gonna be fun to watch.

YOU, brother, are incredible.  I am so thankful for your life.  

"Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible."  Ephesians 6:24

the planting of the Lord

This past Sunday, March 6th, your dad and I made a commitment to raise you and train you to know God.  
Kinda a big deal.
 Of course we knew we would raise you in this way before we even knew about you,  but when I stop and think about the great responsibility we have as's kind of overwhelming.  Of all the things your dad and I might do, could do, will do, to further His kingdom...
our loving and teaching YOU to love the Lord, will be what has the greatest impact.  

We are so proud of you, Oak Jackson.  We pray that you will be called an oak of righteousness.  You have been planted to display His glory.  We pray the effect of your righteousness will be peace and the result of your righteousness, quietness and trust... that you would know and receive God's love, that you would be full of purity, in every way...That you would have an obedient heart toward God and a heart to know Him.  We pray that you would exude with thanksgiving, joy, peace, and a pure mind.

We praise God for you, Oak!  We love seeing Him, already, in your life!

"And I pray that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses all knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God."  Ephesians 3:17-19